Analyzing the Role of Cognitive Processes in Language Learning: A Psycholinguistic Perspective

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


Department of Languages and Translation, University College of Haql, University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia


This research paper aims to analyse the role of cognitive processes in language learning from a psycholinguistic perspective. The paper reviews the individual differences in language learning due to cognitive attitude and its role in the cognitive process of individual learning from a psycholinguistic perspective. Quantitative design was selected to review the role of the cognitive process in learning. The analysis approach selected is statistical review which was selected to review the cause-and-effect relationship from the perspective of psycholinguistic learning. 74 students from languages and translation department at Haql College were participated in this paper.
The findings of the paper addressed the role of cognitive learning processing to raise the quality of language learning abilities, the cognitive process's role in improving the psycholinguistic learning perspective such as memory, problem-solving solving and attention are related factors that are affecting the cognitive process of psychological learning.
The teaching-learning providers will address the implementation of critical factors addressing the cognitive development of the students while language learning strategies.

Keywords: Cognitive processes, Language learning, psychological perspective,
Cognitive development, Language acquisition, Learning strategies.

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